A Personal Treasure
Bow Open x
Lindsey Mendick

Food Security
10 x 10 x 10 cm
Assemblage, 2024
Shoplifted SPAM can with a security tag, encased in acrylic box. Questioning what is considered food, what is food security in terms of availability, procurement and protection andalso questioning the perceived value and subsequent commodification of edibles. Push ‘em the loss leaders.
Why is there more security in a supermarket than a small airport? Control the Food, Control the people, who holds the power?

“Bow Arts’ annual Bow Open Show showcases the talent and diversity of art
being made across the charity’s artist community, selected by a guest curator. This year’s curator, visual artist Lindsey Mendick, invited submissions with her provocation “A Personal Treasure”, and has gathered work from 33 artists, various in media and all distinctly precious for sharing a treasured notion.”

“Laid out in a museum style under the gothic arches of the Nunnery Gallery, the show spans painting, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, video, and millinery, with small objects collected in intimate groups in vitrines. The exhibiting artists include some of Bow Arts’ brightest stars and growing talent, and the show is a chance to explore some of the most exciting art being made across east London.”
- Press Release, Bow Arts
Exhibiting artists: Haydn Albrow, Sadegh Aleahmad, Nicky Amin, Isobel Atacus, Joy Baek, Rachel Bailey, Hannah Billett, Rhys Brown, Christina Brown, Eleanor Burkett, Tommy Camerno, Catherine Chambers, Yuyang Chen, Micheal Coppelov Nathalie Coste, Piero D’Angelo, Laurie Fitzgerald, Emma Franks, Ben Goldnagl, Cecily Loveys Jervoise, Gaby Jonna, Woo Jin Joo, Katka Krajči, You Liang, Lindsey Jean McLean, Tabitha Powles, Harriet Richardson, Moussa David Saleh, Sila Sen, Cameron Ugbodu,
Fredrix Vermin, Paul Westcombe, Maddie Yuille.