Gross Prophet

‘The impact of homogenised global industry, increasing wealth gaps, corporate owned freedom, oppression as a norm and the misrepresentation of fact in media seem all too familiar to us in this parallel world created by the artist. Small moments of joy can be found as well as major acts of rebellion, showing an appreciation of protest and riot as a legitimate means for change. The work also demonstrates the mundanity that can appear in these extreme scenarios; you still have to go to the shops, even if you are an internationally renowned political activist.’
Press Release

Visitors were confronted with advertising and ephemera placed in and around Cave including the road and walls outside the gallery as well as signage and a series of scale models in the gallery that represent frozen moments in time. The show contained interactive elements using QR codes to expand the narrative so visitors were asked to bring along headphones and a fully charged mobile device to get the full experience that this world has to offer.

1968 Film Group came to film an interview for The Clare French Film discussing art practice with Karen Turner (Founder of Cave) and myself

with Stefan Wehlings of Das Cafe Kultus. Interviewed about Gross Prophet and working in Germany. LISTEN HERE

(In English with German audio Translation)

Discussion podcast with Karen Turner, Gabriel Andreu and Contantine Elijah giving their veiws on the show.
22nd - 25th April 2021

Gross Prophet
22-25th April 2021
Thus, Fri, Sat 12pm - 6pm
Sun 12pm - 4pm

Adverts made by Fredrix Vermin
Portrait by Erin Hambly
Photos by Erin Hambly & Fredrix Vermin